Some pictures..

.. of me in different stages and moments of my life

Can you tell I was a bit of a tomboy...? 

3y.jpg (25991 byte)
3 years old, at Garmisch 


5y.jpg (52304 byte)
5 years old, with family while working in the fields (yes, child labour!)
6y.jpg (41084 byte)
6 years old during a mountain excursion with my father
ddtigrotto.jpg (40889 byte)
7 years, visiting a zoo and not wanting to part with a baby tiger..
11y.jpg (13553 byte)
11 years old
17y.jpg (31412 byte)
At 14 years, during a holiday at the spanish island Mallorca I participated in a beauty contest and reached the 2nd place (out of 60!)

didi.jpg (25337 byte)
In 1995 in Milano


ddtyger.jpg (53811 byte)
In 1998 cuddling my stuffed tyger :)

conference.jpg (34535 byte)

At a conference, playing carreer woman


md.jpg (28596 byte)

My male side ... 

bust.jpg (15043 byte)

.. and my female one :)

daghorror.jpg (47237 byte)

1999.From my worst moments

didigif.gif (81285 byte)

On airplane masking terror as coolness

DDBMW.gif (106939 byte)

1998.Trying to look as if I habitually drove cars like this ..

Dadiwo.gif (25044 byte)

In sunny mood

thoughtful.jpg (19951 byte)
Thoughtful and androgynous
train2.jpg (31502 byte)
2002.On the train with Chili
sorriso.jpg (17464 byte)
Another smile

(click on the pictures to see them in full splendour :)